passion is what moves us to create bonds, community and teamwork

Outdoor Staff

At Zambo we recognize the importance of being a professional development platform. Our staff is made up of different professionals in outdoor education and young people from different universities in the country who have discovered in outdoor education processes, a complementary alternative within their formation. Understanding this, it is that in each program a high performance team is consolidated through planning where each one of the people that make up the staff of a program puts their skills at the service of this and work in coordination with a clear common objective to achieve the growth of a company and organization whose purpose is to learn abroad to connect and transform. To be part of the Zambo programs you must take into account the following requirements:

  1. Have a current certificate of a First Aid course (WFA or WAFA or WFR or Red Cross).
  2. Have experience with children or young people in alternative education processes, social service, volunteering, tutoring or others.
  3. Be in good health/physical condition.
  4. Knowledge: knowing how to swim, camping techniques, group management.
  5. Soft skills: high level of empathy, collaboration, self-confidence, discipline, self-management, humility, resilience, assertive communication.

We identify that our Staff is unique, a fundamental part of the process is to identify their skills, history, knowledge and interests, because today more than ever, we recognize the value of being different, this difference is an opportunity to educate by living unique experiences that empower, inspire and retain, everyone who comes to our programs.

Following some ideas from Howard Gardner in his book "The Five Minds of the Future", at Zambo we present these skills and mentalities that are part of our educational philosophy.

disciplined mind

1. Disciplined Mind:

The Zambo educator is capable of identifying topics, concepts and methodologies to achieve very significant learning in students. That is why it is characterized by being responsible, analytical, curious, inquisitive and organized.

The disciplined mind is aligned with the following premises:

– That it rains is our fault.
– Safety always comes first.


2. Synthetic Mind:

The Zambo educator is an inquirer par excellence and stands out for knowing and studying different sources of information, deciding what is relevant and what deserves our attention, organizing all the information and presenting it to create value for other people. He has a group reading and is clear and effective in his communication.

The synthetic mind is aligned with the
following premise:

– The ball is always in our court.

synthetic mind
creative mind

3. Creative Mind:

The Zambo educator envisions new pathways, considers new ideas, asks questions, and encourages new ways of thinking. He is a curious adventurer willing to know and recognize in each experience.

The creative mind is aligned with the
following premises:

– We create moments to remember.


4. Respectful Mind:

The zambo educator puts himself in the shoes of others and applauds diversity. For this reason, it ensures the well-being of all and assumes a position of fairness and respect that goes beyond mere tolerance and/or what is considered politically correct. Likewise, he is a person who avoids making value judgments, knows how to work as a team and generates trust in everyone.

The respectful mind is aligned with the following premises:

– We are outdoor professionals.
– We are characterized by our internal locus of control.

respectful mind
ethical mind

5. Ethical Mind:

The Zambo educator raises the way in which citizens transcend their personal interests and act in an interested way to improve their environment. Not only as a worker but also as a co-responsible citizen for contributing to the world.

The ethical mind is aligned with the following premises:

– As we train we play.
– We run the extra mile.

fill out the application form here
prepare for your interview with human talent
attend the following educator training
attend our speed dating
About our training: We are interested in improving and learning permanently, for this reason we have:
aquiatic rescue course by extension
emotional first aid course
course pedagogy
high mountain courses
tourist guidance technologist